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Prevent Chargeback

Stopping Chargebacks Before They Happen

How Does It Work?

Fraud Scanning

Easily identify which chargeback is a fraud and which one is legit

Order Not Received Prevention

Locating lost orders and ensuring the customer doesn’t panic

VerifiTM & EthocaTM Alerts

Reduce chargeback rate with instant alert and verification

Step 01

VerifiTM & EthocaTM Alerts

Get instant chargeback alerts and refund up to 95% of the chargeback value. As a result, you stop your chargeback rate from rising, thus preventing merchants from scrutinizing your brand.

Step 02

Unreceived Order Prevention

Now your customers never have to fear if their products will arrive. With our “Order not received prevention” tool, you get early notification and, thus, reduce your late order disputes ASAP.

Step 03

Fraud Scanning

With our AI-power scanning tool, we scan an order’s complete history and origins. By doing so, we can accurately deduce whether the current order is fair or fraudulent.